What I Am Grateful For

December 14, 2018 5 Minute Read

These monthly musings are usually reserved for financial topics; thoughts on the markets, how changes to the tax rates might affect us, things like that.  There is that article too, later in the newsletter.  In fact, I wrote that article nearly a month ago and didn’t publish it as it seemed as soon as the elections were on the page it was out of date.  I reread it this morning and decided it is worth including.

Today I want to talk about Gratitude.  Not just what I am grateful for, that’s important, but also why gratitude itself is so important.  Turns out, there is a science behind it. (Read more about the science)

Want more of something? Be grateful for what you have. Want to be happier and healthier? Take a few minutes to be grateful for what you have every day.  Don’t believe me?  Go ahead and give it a try.  Here’s my list:

  • I am grateful every day for my clients, vendors, collaborative partners. Our clients come to us to help them live the best financial life they can. Helping them achieve that is the best part of my job.
  • I’m grateful for a now 20-year career in financial services (I got my securities license 20 years ago this month). Those twenty years prepared me to be the advisor I am today. That and at least half a dozen mentors.
  • I am grateful for the education I received at the University of Redlands. The time I spent with my cohort and professors was some of the most rewarding time I have ever spent.
  • I am grateful that we were able to form our own Registered Investment Advisory firm last year so that we could build our business the way we think is best and save on the costs of delivering our services. Thanks for sticking through this with us.
  • I am grateful for the professional contacts I’ve made that allow me to help our clients in practice areas I do not have expertise. I believe they are one of our greatest assets. They not only send us work, but they broaden the services we can deliver to our clients.
  • I am grateful for my family, immediate and extended. You see, my family got larger this year.
  • I am grateful for my wife, Maggie. I could fill this page with the wonderful gifts she brings each day.  In this area, I am truly blessed.

There are more.  More than I can list here.  I hope you take a few minutes today and think about what you are grateful for.  The science says you’ll be happier, healthier and you may even live longer.  Thank you for being part of my life. 

The information provided is for guidance and informational purposes only.  The articles are not the opinions of ProCore Advisors, LLC.